
(2024). Evaluation of Test-Time Adaptation Under Computational Time Constraints. In ICML'24.

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(2024). SimCS: Simulation for Domain Incremental Online Continual Segmentation. In AAAI'24.

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(2023). Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts. In TMLR [Featured].

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(2023). Towards Assessing and Characterizing the Semantic Robustness of Face Recognition. In CVPRW'23.

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(2023). Online Distillation with Continual Learning for Cyclic Domain Shifts. In CVPRW'23.

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(2023). PIVOT: Prompting for Video Continual Learning. In CVPR'23.

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(2023). Real-Time Evaluation in Online Continual Learning: A New Hope. In CVPR'23.

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(2022). ANCER: Anisotropic Certification via Sample-wise Volume Maximization. In TMLR.

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(2022). On the Robustness of Quality Measures for GANs. In ECCV'22.

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(2022). Certified Robustness in Federated Learning. In NeurIPSW'22.

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(2022). Data Dependent Randomized Smoothing. In UAI'22.

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(2022). 3DeformRS: Certifying Spatial Deformations on Point Clouds. In CVPR'22.

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(2022). DeformRS: Certifying Input Deformations with Randomized Smoothing. In AAAI'22 [oral].

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(2022). Combating Adversaries with Anti-Adversaries. In AAAI'22.

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(2021). Rethinking Clustering for Robustness. In BMVC'21.

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(2021). Enhancing Adversarial Robustness via Test-time Transformation Ensembling. In ICCVW'21.

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(2020). Gabor Layers Enhance Network Robustness. In ECCV'20.

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(2020). On the Decision Boundaries of Neural Networks: A Tropical Geometry Perspective. In TPAMI.

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(2020). Adaptive Learning of the Optimal Batch Size of SGD. In NeurIPSW'20.

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